I like this one! A fun and relaxed feel, and some new sounds and funny melodies. cool!
I like this one! A fun and relaxed feel, and some new sounds and funny melodies. cool!
Thanks! :)
I listened this song loads at the start of this year and then somehow forgot about it!
Drops are so satisfying (if a little dry) and the second half of them is eargasmic, a really great use of teh vocal chops.
the second drop is less dry that the first, so its better, and the piano breaks are epic.
I can't tell why but this reminds me of the wild west...
absolutely the best song I've heard by Creo. Not messy, perfectly mixed (as usual) and with epic rhythm and atmosphere.
the break really sounds like something meganeko might make as well!
not too keen on the section at 1:53 to 2:06 at all however, kinda boring and too aggressive.
build up and drop after that are absolutely stunning. everything complements together perfectly.
this is not 'a fun little tune' it's a masterpiece!
never been a fan of this type of dnb but nonetheless cool song. the feel in the non-drop areas are relaxed but tense, somehow. drops are nice and fast-paced.
fits the name well i think
go back to sleep tankman
it's pretty high pitched before the drop and painful.
the drop isn't bad at all though, pretty complex and fun. thanks to peiceawrk for introducing this song to me
This gets the point across, well done for making it.
Motivational Speeches With CEIER!
Thanks. I'm just surprised I was able to do that again.
South west england
Joined on 2/5/21