blep blep this is great. bounce bounce bounce bounce. sounds like something that would be played by a band in an upscale restaurant. oh and I beat B.
blep blep this is great. bounce bounce bounce bounce. sounds like something that would be played by a band in an upscale restaurant. oh and I beat B.
great lyrics
absolutely stunning song, the drop and its melody are great, so is the beat at the start.. all of it basically. oh and when it does the hi thing it sounds perfect and funny at the same time. such energy!
you said once 'i don't really like this track either it just kinda blew up for some reason'. why don't YOU like it?
beautiful and perfect and great and nice and good and fun and beautiful! except the ending. I don't like the ending.
this is your best song! the perfect mix of fast paced energy in the drop and the chillness of everything else. the piano bits at 1:15 sound weird but amazing. the transitions at the beginning of both drops are completely different from each other and both sound perfect.
so relaxing and beautiful. Melodies are great and the drop has lots of energy, but not too much as to make it sound unfitting with the general theme. depicts being above the clouds perfectly!
hella weird but still awesome. i like how the melodies get more distinguished throughout. good job
nice melodies. sounds good to start with but it gets boring halfway through. some breaks would be nice.
much catchy and full of energy. all of this sounds amazing except for when is says OUTBREAKER before the drop (cringy). the little second long breaks at 3:00 and 1:07 are a great touch, and the longer drop at the end. I love prog house and all your music
@Nootmare if you're wondering why we all react wtf its because look at your rating...
really good melodies, really good. euphoric. I'm usually not a fan of heavy dubstep like this but I can make exceptions. the aeroplane sounds are a good touch
the drums in the drop feel a bit slow though. -0.5
1:50 is AMAZING. this is like all your other songs but better
really nice, it sounds messy sometimes but those melodies are really cool. the vocals are a nice touch ,. the guitar solo at 2:05 is stunning too. good job. i really like ur music
South west england
Joined on 2/5/21