nice but strange melodies. The feel is completely on point. And is the progression is realy cool.
is nobody going to mention that this is your 300th song? ;)
nice but strange melodies. The feel is completely on point. And is the progression is realy cool.
is nobody going to mention that this is your 300th song? ;)
Strange melodies? Okay, that's interesting to put such melodies in a track and yet it sounds so nice! Thanks, buddy!
Yes, I am aware that this is my 300th song, well, I already had a 300th song, but I had to do some cleaning.
Yow this is coooool
The rapping is somehow eargasmic and its mainly fun
noice :3
ooh I like it. Some part are pretty empty but once the bass and beat come it it's pretty good.
The guitar or whatever is too loud in my opinion, or maybe everything else is too quiet :/
The changes in tone are very satisfying!! And great ending!
cool and fun
yes! Uplifting and fun melodies and good progression.
The drop is good but the mixing isn't. The BOING BOING sound is way too loud, and means I can't enjoy it as much.
The middle bit the best part as it is more relaxing.
I like how the second half of the second drop in your songs always has different melodies!
Good tunes, fun track but reduce the boings
the piano at the start really reminds me of skull.ogg xD(except it's actually good)
The drop felt annoying to start with but really got fun after a while, and i liked the quiet pops in the BG.
Nice chill bit in the middle too, has a coffee-shop atmosphere.
Second drop just as good as the first.
That's right. Dont do drugs men.
Do you know something else you should not do?
Listen to this song!
tbh I actually kinda like this ngl
omg this is so nice, I really could see this in a restaurant or coffee place.
I could fall asleep to this, well done
a rare 5 stars =)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Nice melodies, but they don't seem to go with the chords you used.
The drops are so fun and cool though, keep it up! ;)
Weird. After all, I did everything as I decided. I don't think there's anything wrong with it
this is just a masterpeice.
600 hours well spent!
I love all of this.
perfect mixing, beautiful melodies, fun drops, cool bass, wonderful sax, etc etc
I struggle to hear all the details in here, because there's SO MUCH.
the drop style is usually something I'd hate, but it's SO well done, I think it's so fun.
the sax or something in the break is a really good addition, normally I'd find it annoying. again, not so.
there's an inquisitive, optimistic feeling all the way through, just like an egg. it holds potential for a whole new life.
OMG Exyl reacted!!
South west england
Joined on 2/5/21